Certificate in European and Literary Studies
Course Information:
Award: QQI Level 5 Award 5M2073
Duration: 1 year
The course has an emphasis on literary, socio-historical and cultural studies. Learners have the chance to engage with literature, sociological theory and cultural and historical material. Learners have an opportunity to engage in creative writing so as to start them on a path to making their own contribution to Irish literature. The Digital marketing will assist learners in embracing online-publishing (blogging, social media platforms, promotion of work, literary competitions, podcasting etc) and allow those with an interest in getting work published the opportunity to pursue this.
Course Requirements
Students applying for this course should have passed the Leaving Certificate in five subjects including English.
Mature Applicants welcome.
All applicants whose first language is not English will be tested at entry.
All applicants will be interviewed.
Course Modules
European Studies
Irish or ESOL and/or French or German
Work Experience
Intercultural Studies
Creative Writing
Cultural and Social History
Digital Marketing